Broken trust
greed, mismanagement, & political manipulation at America's largest charitable trust
Samuel P. King & Randall W. Roth.

Nā Kumuhana: Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate; Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations; Hawaiians; Charities; Trials; Hawaii; Kamehameha Schools; Schüler; Zulassung; Rechtsstreit; Trials, litigation, etc; Legal status, laws, etc; Corrupt practices
Nā Mea Hāʻawi: Roth, Randall W.
- helu_kuhikuhi: 1203
- inoa: Broken trust
- hope_inoa: greed, mismanagement, & political manipulation at America's largest charitable trust
- inoa_wae: Broken trust
- ʻōlelo_koʻikoʻi: Samuel P. King & Randall W. Roth.
- hulu: puke
- kumuhana: Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate|Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations|Hawaiians|Charities|Trials|Hawaii|Kamehameha Schools|Schüler|Zulassung|Rechtsstreit|Trials, litigation, etc|Legal status, laws, etc|Corrupt practices
- haku: Samuel P King
- haku_wae: King, Samuel P
- mea_hāʻawi: Roth, Randall W.
- memo: "A Latitude 20 book."
- papa_kuhikuhi: Princess for a new Hawaiʻi -- A culture suppressed -- "Where are all the Hawaiian-looking ones? -- Newfound wealth, cultural rebirth, seeds of discontent -- The trust plays politics as activism grows -- Shell-shocked lottery winners -- The "black and blue" panel -- Five fingers, one hand -- The education trustee -- "We must march!" -- A tinderbox waiting for a match -- Time to say, "No more" -- Like investigating the CIA -- Mistrust and paranoia -- A world record for breaches of trust -- "That's just the way you do it" -- Public pressure forces a political shift -- Trustees surrounded -- End of the line -- "Healing" and "closure" -- Eternal vigilance.
- lā: 2006
- ʻōlelo: ʻŌlelo Haole
Edition Info
Broken trust
. University of Hawaiʻi Press (Honolulu), 2006
isbn: 082483044X- helu_kuhikuhi: 203
- helu_kuhikuhi_ʻiʻo: 1203
- mea_paʻi: University of Hawaiʻi Press
- wahi_paʻi: Honolulu
- ana_ʻaoʻao: xi, 324 pages
- lā_hpʻ: 2006
- ʻōlelo_hpʻ: ʻŌlelo Haole
- isbn: 082483044X
- lccn: 2005032815
- lc_class: KF228.K36 K56 2006
- dewey: 345.969/028 22
- māhele: Kaimukī
helu kuhi puke: History.Soc.Politics.BrokenTrust
kope #1- helu_kuhikuhi: 208
- helu_kuhikuhi_hoʻopuka_ʻana: 203
- māhele: Kaimukī
- helu_kope: 1
- helu_kuhi_puke: History.Soc.Politics.BrokenTrust
- Status: Available
- helu_kuhikuhi: 208
- helu_kuhikuhi_mālama: 208
- memo_mk: Inscription: "To Sig [...] aloha. -Sam King 22 May '06. To Sig--Best wishes and aloha, Randy Roth."