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31. Mickey the Great Langhornein
32. Mysterious Stranger Blaine, DavidLanghornein
33. Myth Conceptions Asprin, RobertLanghornein
34. New Vocabularies in Film Semiotics Stam, RobertLanghornein
35. Notes From the Underground / The Gambler Dostoevsky, FyodorLanghornein
36. Radio Free Albemuth Dick, Philip K.Langhornein
37. Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy Wilson, Robert AntonLanghornein
38. Secrets of the Great Magicians Carmichael, CarrieLanghornein
39. Snow Crash Stephenson, NealLanghornein
40. Spy Saga Melanson, Philip H.Langhornein
41. Techgnosis Davis, ErikLanghornein
42. The Art of Listening Brofsky, HowardLanghornein
43. The Brothers Karamozov Dostoevsky, FyodorLanghornein
44. The Globalisation of Poverty Chossudovsky, MichelLanghornein
45. The Holographic Universe Talbot, MichaelLanghornein
46. The Letters of Sacco and Vanzetti Sacco, NicolaLanghornein
47. The Man in the High Castle Dick, Philip K.Langhornein
48. The Sheriff of Rottenshot Prelutsky, JackLanghornein
49. The Sound and the Fury Faulkner, WilliamLanghornein
50. The Subject of Semiotics Silverman, KajaLanghornein
51. Ubik Dick, Philip K.Langhornein
52. Understanding Thermodynamics Van Ness, H.C.Langhornein
53. What is Cinema? Bazin, AndreLanghornein
54. Whiskers & Rhymes Lobel, ArnoldLanghornein
55. A brief history of time Hawking, StephenManoain
56. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass Carroll, LewisManoain
57. Alma Rose Forbes, EdithManoain
58. Aloha betrayed Silva, Noenoe K.Manoain
59. Americans who tell the truth Shetterly, RobertManoain
60. America's "War on Terrorism" Chossudovsky, MichelManoain

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