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The Invisibles : Apocalipstick

Vol. 1, 9-16

picture of resource

writer: Grant Morrison

format: comic

contributor(s): Jill Thompson, Chris Weston, John Ridgway, Steve Parkhouse, Paul Johnson, Dennis Cramer, Chris Weston, Kim Demulder

publisher: DC Comics

subjects: 0mgc; 0anr; 0apo; 0con; 0rev;


A silent war has raged for millenia, shaping the world as we know it, and Jack Frost--the newest member of the anarchist revolutionary society known as the Invisibles--has just found out how high the stakes are and what the enemy agents of the Ultimate Conspiracy are capable of. And he doesn't like it one bit.
date: 1995

language: English

branch: Langhorne

OJPL id #: 10142

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