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The Invisibles : Entropy in the U.K.

Vol. 1, 17-25

picture of resource

writer: Grant Morrison

format: comic

contributor(s): Phil Jimenez, Tommy Lee Edwards, Paul Johnson, Steve Yeowell, Mark Buckingham, John Stokes, Dick Giordano, Mark Pennington

publisher: DC Comics

subjects: 0mgc; 0anr; 0apo; 0con; 0rev;


The time is coming when we'll all have to choose: either the crushing, soul-rending orthodoxy of the Conspiracy, or the anarchic, radical freedom of the Invisibles. One makes the world what it is, while the other shows the world what it might be. Right now, things don't look very good for the other.
date: 1996

language: English

branch: Langhorne

OJPL id #: 10143

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