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1. Adbusters Issue: No. 28 magazine Langhornein
2. Critical Theory and Praxis McKerrow, Raymie E. essay Langhornein
3. Dangerous Liaisons Gemin, J. essay Langhornein
4. Follow For Now Christopher, Roy book Manoaout
5. Foucault's Pendulum Eco, Umberto book Langhornein
6. Framing Exile Naficy, Hamid essay Langhornein
7. Functional Communication Bitzer, Lloyd F. essay Langhornein
8. How The New Technologies Link Up With The Old Mattelart, Armand essay Langhornein
9. Magicians Needed! Venegas, Cristina essay Langhornein
10. Media control Chomsky, Noam book Manoain
11. Mythologies Barthes, Roland book Manoain
12. New Vocabularies in Film Semiotics Stam, Robert book Langhornein
13. Notes on Globalization as a Philosophical Issue Jameson, Fredric essay Manoain
14. Out of the Mainstream Gross, Larry essay Langhornein
15. Postmodernism, or, the Culture of Late Capitalism Jameson, Fredric book Manoain
16. Research Paper Rosen, Jacob essay Langhornein
17. Sista Tongue Kanae, Lisa Linn book Manoain
18. Snow Crash Stephenson, Neal book Langhornein
19. Techgnosis Davis, Erik book Langhornein
20. Technical Capability Versus Corporate Imperatives Meehan, Eileen R. essay Langhornein
21. The Demise of Privacy in a Private World Gumpert, Gary essay Manoain
22. The Foucault Reader Foucault, Michel book Manoain
23. The Information Technology Revolution Castells, Manuel essay Manoain
24. The Repeating Island Benitez-Rojo, Antonio book Manoain
25. The Rhetorical Situation Bitzer, Lloyd F. essay Langhornein
26. The Subject of Semiotics Silverman, Kaja book Langhornein
27. Thinking Dialectically About Communication in Personal Relationships Baxter, Leslie A. essay Langhornein
28. Unknown Facts Can Hide Others Mattelart, Armand essay Langhornein
29. What's a Critic to Do? Landow, George P. essay Langhornein
30. When The Exception Becomes The New Economic Rule Mattelart, Armand essay Langhornein

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