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subject: Cultural Studies

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1. Adbusters Issue: No. 28 magazine Langhornein
2. Art Naif and the Admixture of Worlds Jameson, Fredric essay Manoain
3. Cultural Identity and Cinematic Representation Hall, Stuart essay Manoain
4. DissemiNation Bhabha, Homi K. essay Manoain
5. Fandom as Pathology Jenson, Joli essay Langhornein
6. Follow For Now Christopher, Roy book Manoaout
7. Foucault's Pendulum Eco, Umberto book Langhornein
8. From Eurocentrism to Polycentrism Shohat, Ella essay Manoain
9. Keepin' It Real Powell, Kevin book Langhornein
10. Negative Images Wallace, Michelle essay Manoain
11. Notes on Globalization as a Philosophical Issue Jameson, Fredric essay Manoain
12. Playing the Future Rushkoff, Douglas book Manoain
13. Postmodernism, or, the Culture of Late Capitalism Jameson, Fredric book Manoain
14. The Cultural and the Political in Latin American Social Movements Alvarez, Sonia E. essay Langhornein
15. The Culture of Make Believe Jensen, Derrick book Manoain
16. The Emergence of Popular Culture Weiss, Judith A. essay Langhornein
17. The National Willemen, Paul essay Manoain
18. The Repeating Island Benitez-Rojo, Antonio book Manoain
19. Third-World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism Jameson, Fredric essay Langhornein
20. Vietnamese Cultural Production During the American War Tran, John essay Manoain
21. Working Miracles Senior, Olive book Manoain