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1. American Libraries November 2009 magazine Manoain
2. Americans who tell the truth Shetterly, Robert book Manoain
3. A people's history of the United States Zinn, Howard book Manoain
4. Catching fire Collins, Suzanne book Branchin
5. Flight Alexie, Sherman book Manoain
6. Lies my teacher told me Loewen, James W book Manoain
7. On the justice of roosting chickens Churchill, Ward book Manoain
8. Public Law 103-150 One Hundred Third Congress of the United States of America essay Manoain
9. Reservation blues Alexie, Sherman book Manoain
10. The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven Alexie, Sherman book Manoain
11. The toughest Indian in the world Alexie, Sherman book Manoain
12. The World turned upside down book Manoain
13. Unruly immigrants Das Gupta, Monisha book Manoain