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subject: Philosophy

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1. Another Roadside Attraction Robbins, Tom book Langhornein
2. Basic Writings of Nietzsche Nietzsche, Friedrich book Langhornein
3. Eating animals Foer, Jonathan Safran book New York/California/DCout
4. Lenin and Philosophy Althusser, Louis book Manoain
5. Magister Ludi Hesse, Herman book Langhornein
6. The Culture of Make Believe Jensen, Derrick book Manoain
7. The Foucault Reader Foucault, Michel book Manoain
8. The Rabbi's Cat v.1 - v.3 comic Manoain
9. The structure of scientific revolutions Kuhn, Thomas S. book Manoain
10. The world as I see it Einstein, Albert book Manoain
11. Ways of Seeing Berger, John book Manoain