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✔ Title FormatBranchin/out Rank
1. Endgame Vol. 1 Jensen, DerrickbookManoa in 0.607927
2. Mad Libs (The Original #1) Price, RogerbookLanghorne in 0.607927
3. The Rise of the Network Society (chapter 1) Castells, ManuelessayManoa in 0.607927
4. Can I Keep This Pen? Northern StateaudioUniversity in 0.0759909
5. Dying in Stereo Northern StateaudioUniversity in 0.0607927
6. Let Me Introduce My Friends I'm From BarcelonaaudioUniversity in 0.0607927
7. Sea Potentia Divina S-S-S-SpectresaudioUniversity in 0.0607927