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(Concentrated mad ramblings with no Preservative from the mind of "JAKE" --EXTRA PULP!!)

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12 Dec 2005
24 Nov 2005
05 Nov 2005

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Planet Earth: Anti-imperialist M...[Songs Of A Dead intellectual mastur]:
today is our birthday

In remembrance of the numbers 911, we should blow something up.

Internet Use Policy:

Be nice to the computer.
Hours: all day, and all of the night

Sample Reference Interview:

PERSON: Hi, I'm looking for the capital of the Filth.
LIBRARIAN: Okay.[introduces the computer] Is there a reason you seek this information? (adjust for locality)
P: Well, I think it has something to do with the Cuban Revolution.
L: Hmmm...[communicates that the raw information is processed and the message is scrambled]
P: See, I have been having this conversation with my computer and this topic appears to be a recurring theme, relative, though, that term may be. Anyway, my previous response to that question was New Jersey, with a qualification of facetiousness.
L: Mmhmm, I don't follow.
[throw my hands up at this world sometimes.]

For shits and giggles

So it appears that I too have gone down the path of seeking money to satisfy my desires. Sacrificing my ideals for the tools to produce what you see here. And still, we are far from where we would like to be. A microcosm of career opportunities. I refer you to wise words from a woman from the west. And I advise you to travel between islands.1 (Wrong Way Up)

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers," wrote novelist Thomas Pynchon, wrote astrologist Rob Brezsny. You can't afford to let anyone—authorities, experts, enemies or even friends—set the ground rules or define the contours of your quest for the truth. Your driving passion should be to frame the unique questions that will lead you inexorably to what you need to know next. (P.S. The answers you receive will be wrong until you frame those crafty questions.) [pop-up (used)]


Perhaps I eat something. Have a nice day. -JAKE

1We don't need no more trouble. Oh, excuse me, some of you were looking for a footnote, were you not? Let's see. I have recently been advised to visit another island. I trust the source. I do not know the future...yet. The initial advice stands, unless the apt metaphor is quarantine and inter-island travel a spread of disease, in which case, we should stop, collaborate, and listen. [return to text]

homepage quality assurance