(replace: ?sidebar)[](save-game: "Bookshelf 0", "Guest")Once upon a [[time->A Brief History of Time]].
(if: $borrowed is 0)[(set: $borrowed to (ds:))](if: $bibliography is 0)[(set: $bibliography to (ds:))]{
(live: 0.5s)[(set: $timer to $timer + 1)
(if: $timer is 1 or $timer > 1)[(if: (history: ) contains "In the Beginning")[](else: )[
</script>](stop: )]
}(replace: ?sidebar)[](save-game: "Bookshelf 0", "Guest")<h1>A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME</h1>Once there was, and once there (if: $nothingness is 1 or $nothingness > 1)[wasn't.(if: $nothingness is 1)[<script>
</script><audio src="bib.mp3" autoplay>](set: $nothingness to 2)](else: )[[[wasn't->Nothingness]].]
Then began the (link-repeat: "slime")[(open-url: "http://slimedaughter.com/sticky_zeitgeist/")(set: $bibliography to it + (ds: "
Sticky Zeitgeist. Episode 1: Hyperslime. by Porpentine & Rook. No World Dreamers."))<audio src="bib.mp3" autoplay>] which established the earth, [the [source]<source| of deepest darkness]<kumulipo|.(click: ?source)[(replace: ?kumulipo)[O ke kumu o ka lipo, i lipo ai](set: $bibliography to it + (ds: "
The Kumulipo: an Hawaiian Creation Myth. Liliʻuokalani. Pueo Press."))<audio src="bib.mp3" autoplay>]
It was a dark and stormy night.[]
It was the best of times.[]
In the [[beginning->In the Beginning]].
In a galaxy far, far away.[]
[Time flies like an arrow.]<bananas|(click: "flies")[(replace: ?bananas)[Fruit flies like a banana.](set: $borrowed to it + (ds: "<img src='banana.jpg'>(one banana)"))<audio src="item.mp3" autoplay>]
It was the worst of times.[]
Time is the thing (link-reveal-goto: "a body moves through", "A Body")[(set: $bibliography to it + (ds: "
Time is the Thing a Body Moves Through. T Fleischmann. Coffee House Press."))].(save-game: "Bookshelf 0", "Guest")(replace: ?sidebar)[]<script>A.t['section2'].stop();</script>(set: $bibliography to it + (ds: "
No One's in Control. from Some New Form of Life. Devi McCallion & Katie Dey. http://blacksquares.bandcamp.com/album/some-new-form-of-life."))(text-style: "smear")[(if: $nothingness is 1)[](else:)[ [You are no longer playing this game.]<game|(live:.5s)[(set: $helloTimer to $helloTimer + 1)(if: $helloTimer is 10 or $helloTimer > 10)[(replace: ?game)[It is entirely possible that you do not, in fact, even exist.]](if: $helloTimer is 25 or $helloTimer > 25)[(replace: ?game)[It is entirely possible that nothing, in fact, even exists.]](if: $helloTimer is 40 or $helloTimer > 40)[(stop:)(replace: ?game)[But how could [nothing]<nothing| (link-reveal-goto: "exist", "A Brief History of Time")[{
A.t['section0'].fade(1.0, 0.0, 500);
(live: 0.5s)[
}]?](set: $nothingness to 1)]]](set: $fullsong to $helloTimer)(live:.5s)[(set: $fullsong to $fullsong + 1)(if: $fullsong is 360 or $fullsong > 360)[(stop:)
Reboot The Library?]]
(click: ?nothing)[(replace: ?game)[]](click: "Reboot The Library?")[(reload:)]]<script>
A.t['section0'].fade(0.0, 1.0, 250);
A.create('section1', ['opening-the-libraryWEB.mp3']);
A.create('section2', ['a-brief-history-of-timeWEB.mp3']);
A.create('section3', ['EXTERMINATEURWEB.mp3']);
A.create('section4', ['internet-pornWEB.mp3']);
A.create('section5', ['overthrowWEB.mp3']);
A.create('section6', ['broken-robotWEB.mp3']);
A.create('section0', ['control.mp3']);
(set: $muted to "false"){
(print: "<script>$('tw-story').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[(print: "<script>$('tw-story').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")]
(print: "<script>$('tw-passage').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[(print: "<script>$('tw-passage').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")]
}(replace: ?sidebar)[[Map]<map|(click: ?map)[
[<img src="map.jpg" width="100%">]<map_image|(click: ?map_image)[(open-url: "map.jpg")]]
[[New Quest->digital librarian]]
[[Ask a Librarian->FAQ]]
(link-repeat: "Browse The Library")[(open-url: "http://ojpl.org/")]
[[Library Staff]]
(link-repeat: "REBOOT")[(alert: "This will reset your game play in The Library. If autosave has been functional, you can use your library card number to restore progress up to this point more or less.")(reload: )]](if: (passage:)'s tags contains "nofeet")[](else: )[
<mark><div id="footer">Library Card Number: (if: $library_card is not 0)[**$library_card**](else: )[**Guest**]
(link-repeat: "Accumulated Bibliography")[(replace: ?bibliography)[$bibliography]][]<bibliography|
(link-repeat: "Items Borrowed")[(replace: ?borrowed)[
$borrowed]][]<borrowed|(if: $quest is not 0)[
Current Quest: **$quest**](if: $muted is "change this to false if you want this to actually appear")[
`[`mute sound`]`(click: 'mute sound')[
(set: $muted to true)
}]</div></mark>](replace: ?sidebar)[](save-game: "Bookshelf 0", "Guest")(if: $librarian is 0)[(set: $librarian to "Unnamed")](if: $time_reboot is 1)[Whoops. Sorry about that. [[Time->A Brief History of Time]] sure is jittery around these parts. Where were we now? Oh yes.
You've made it this far. I am so proud of you!](else: )[Ah, welcome. You've made it through, I see. To the (text-style: "expand")+(text-style: "shadow")[end of (link-reveal-goto: "time", "A Brief History of Time")[(set: $time_reboot to 1)]]. Not quite what you were expecting, perhaps? I suppose it never is.]
Anyway...(click-replace: "Anyway...")[...allow me to introduce myself. My name is, um. Well, I don't quite remember. Maybe I don't have a name yet? Would you like to help [name me]<name_me| perhaps? But I digress. The important thing to know is that I will be your [[digital librarian]] for the remainder of ~~eternity~~ this game. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm a [[disembodied robot->robot]]?]
(set: $librarian_names to (a: "0101001101100001011001000110100101100101", "Mercedes", "Cinnamon", "Elma", "Minnie"))(click: ?name_me)[Here are some names I have been thinking about: (dropdown: bind $librarian, $librarian, ...($librarian_names - (a:$librarian)))][<audio src="end-of-time.mp3" autoplay loop="true"><audio src="bib.mp3" autoplay>](replace: ?sidebar)[](if: $quest is not 0)[(save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card)](else: )[(save-game: "Bookshelf 0", "Guest")]Yes, sad but true, I, $librarian Rose Robot (Rose is my middle name), can only do what I have been programmed to do. So don't blame me for my limitations! Back when I was an embodied human, I probably had all these grand plans and (if: $quest is "It's a Secret")[welcome to your secret quest, which has officially begun! As part of the secret bonus quest, you have the ability to participate in other quests undercover! (set: $secret to 1) We have just set your top secret clearance to 1, so assuming the game designers did their jobs, all library activities will contain secret bonus quirks just for you (and your most trusted comrades). Anyway, re-choose the secret quest and "Begin your quest" to visit the top secret quest headquarters. Best of luck! `[end transmission]`](else: )[schemes for designing myself, but you know how humans are. Am I right? We're always trying to accomplish things and then //not// accomplishing them! I mean, I'm not a human I guess. Not anymore. But the human I came from might still exist? But we're not the same?] I mean, I'm a disembodied robot? Well, I guess you could say I'm in a relationship with having a body and it's [complicated]<complicated|.(click: ?complicated)[(set: $bibliography to it + (ds: "
I'M IN A LOVE/HATE RELATIONSHIP WITH HAVING A BODY. from There Should Be Flowers. by Joshua Jennifer Espinoza. Civil Coping Mechanisms."))[<audio src="bib.mp3" autoplay>]
But, um...(click-replace: "But, um...")[...oh yeah! My programming! I almost forgot. I have totally been programmed by a fully accredited programming institution to be a librarian. And in fact, I'll be //your// librarian during your time spent inside (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[The Library]. Yep, that's right. I'm your [[digital librarian]].]](replace: ?sidebar)[](if: $quest is not 0)[(if: (save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card))[(set: $save_function to "")](else: )[(set: $save_function to " It looks like your game is not saving. Maybe you are in private mode or something. So, be warned of that.")]](else: )[(if: (save-game: "Bookshelf 0", "Guest"))[(set: $save_function to "")](else: )[(set: $save_function to " It looks like your game is not saving. Maybe you are in private mode or something. So, be warned of that.")]]Basically, as your librarian, I am here to maintain information systems and, you know, help you to, um, you know, navigate your way through (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[The Library] in your quest to, um. What is your [quest]<quest| by the way?
(click: ?quest)[(if: (history: ) contains "digital librarian")[](else: ) [<script>A.t['section2'].stop();A.t['section3'].loop(true);A.t['section3'].play();</script>][Please choose a quest: (dropdown: bind $quest, "LEVEL 1: Information Literacy", "LEVEL 2: Book Recommendations", "LEVEL 3: Research", "LEVEL 4: Internet Porn", "LEVEL 5: Overthrowing the Government", "", "It's a Secret", "None of Your Business", "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing Here")]<quest_choice|
[I, THE GAME PLAYER, CONFIRM THIS QUEST]<confirm|(click-replace: ?confirm)[(set: $bookshelf to "Bookshelf 1")(set: $library_card to "Quest1")(if: $quest contains "LEVEL 1")[You have chosen (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[QUEST: INFORMATION LITERACY]. Your library card number will be $library_card. [[Begin your quest->Level 1]].](else-if: $quest contains "LEVEL 2")[You have chosen (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[QUEST: BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS]. Your library card number will be $library_card. [[Begin your quest->Level 2]].](else-if: $quest contains "LEVEL 3")[You have chosen (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[QUEST: RESEARCH]. Your library card number will be $library_card. [[Begin your quest->Level 3]].](else-if: $quest contains "LEVEL 4")[You have chosen (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[QUEST: INTERNET PORN]. Your library card number will be $library_card. [[Begin your quest->Level 4]].](else-if: $quest contains "LEVEL 5")[You have chosen (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[QUEST: OVERTHROWING THE GOVERNMENT]. Your library card number will be $library_card. [[Begin your quest->Level 5]].](else-if: $quest is "It's a Secret")[You have chosen (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[QUEST: IT'S A SECRET]. Oh, I love secrets. So mysterious. I promise, I won't pry. However, if you need any [[help->Help!]] or have any [[questions->FAQ]], don't hesitate to ask. Of course, being as though I'm just a [[disembodied robot->robot]], it is entirely possible that my help mechanisms were never programmed and/or are non-functional. Oh yeah, congrats for unlocking the secret bonus quest. Your library card number will be $library_card. [[Begin your quest.->Top Secret Bonus Quest]]](else-if: $quest is "None of Your Business")[You have chosen (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[QUEST: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS]. Ah, fair enough. I'll be around if you need me though. Your library card number is Guest. Enjoy (link-repeat: "The Library")[(goto-url: "http://ojpl.org")]!](else-if: $quest is "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing Here")[You have chosen (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[QUEST: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING HERE]. And sweetie, that's totally fine. To be perfectly honest, most of us have no idea what we're doing here. But then again, the journey towards finding your purpose in ~~life~~ (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[The Library] can sometimes be the greatest quest of all. Your library card number will be $library_card. [[Begin your quest.->Why am I Here?]]]$save_function.(replace: ?quest_choice)[]]](replace: ?sidebar)[]<script>A.t['section3'].stop();</script>Um. Sorry. Can't help now. I'm...currently...non-functional. You know how it is.
(link: "return from whence you came")[(undo: )](replace: ?sidebar)[]<script>A.t['section3'].stop();</script><h1>Ask a Librarian</h1><h2>(frequently asked questions)</h2>
Q: Does The Library actually exist?
A: Yes. The Library is an interactive fictional library. It is completely imaginary. You are imagining it at this very moment. Therefore it exists (in your personal reality, which of course exists somewhere on the space-time continuum probably).
Q: What are the rules of the library?
A: Rules? There are many rules. Yet. A rule is to break. (click: "A rule is to break.")[(set: $bibliography to it + (ds: "
A Rule is to Break: A Child's Guide to Anarchy. by john & jana. Manic D Press."))<audio src="bib.mp3" autoplay>]
Q. I wanted to ask a question that I came up with myself. *`**whiney voice**`* Why can't I do that?
A. Dude, I told you already maybe? Or maybe not? I am a *digital* librarian. Like, I'm a(if: (history: )'s last is "digital librarian")[ [[robot]]](else: )[ robot]? I have limitations due to my programming? P.S. (link-goto: "You can't always get what you what.", (history: )'s last)
Q. But I have this really, really important question to ask you. Don't you want to know what it is?
A. Oh yeah, I forgot. You can contact me through [electronic]<email| mail if you want. Um, maybe this is a functional e-mail addresss: **reference@ojpl.info**. Yeah, just have the subject field read: "A Question for $librarian Robot Librarian in regards to The Library". I will surely respond lickety-split (give or take a number of time units) to this question you have yes indeed. I am a robot.(click-append: ?email)[...
`{`while you might say electronic mail is my favorite kind of mail (I am a *digital* librarian), surprisingly it is not the only form of mail I can receive. It is entirely possible that mail delivered here will reach me:
$librarian Robot
c/o Sadie
P.O. Box 62031
Honolulu HI 96839`}`
...](click-append: "lickety-split")[ (if the e-mail bounces, you might want to try again later. I might be busy or taking a nap or on robot vacation. As they say, just because some of (font: "League Spartan SemiBold")[The Library] mechanisms might not be working today, doesn't mean they won't be working tomorrow!)](save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card)(set: $secret to 1)<h1>IT'S A SECRET</h1><h2>LEVEL REDACTED</h2><h3>Top Secret Headquarters</h3>
</script>(save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card)<h1>I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING HERE</h1><h2>LEVEL UNKNOWN</h2>
A.t['section6'].fade(0.0, 1.0, 250);
</script>(save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card)<h1>INFORMATION LITERACY</h1><h2>LEVEL 1</h2>
</script>(save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card)<h1>BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS</h1><h2>LEVEL 2</h2>
<video src="../../movies/poetry.mp4" width="100%" controls></video>(save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card)<h1>RESEARCH</h1><h2>LEVEL 3</h2>
</script>(save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card)<h1>INTERNET PORN</h1><h2>LEVEL 4</h2>
A.t['section4'].fade(0.0, 1.0, 250);
</script>(save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card)<h1>OVERTHROWING THE GOVERNMENT</h1><h2>LEVEL 5</h2>
A.t['section5'].fade(0.0, 1.0, 250);
</script>(replace: ?sidebar)[]<h1>The Library</h1>an interactive fiction game thing from OJPL Games and Such
[<img src="closed.gif">]<sign|
(link: "open The Library")[(replace: ?sign)[<img src="open.gif"><script>
</script>(set: $open to time)(event: when time > $open+9500)[(go-to: "In the Beginning")]]]
[<mark><div id="login">Log In(click-replace: "Log In")[(set: $card_number to (prompt: "Enter your library card number:", ""))(if: (datavalues: (saved-games: )) contains $card_number)[You have one saved game.
(link: "Load Game.")[(replace: "open The Library")[](replace: ?sign)[<img src="open.gif"><script>
</script>(replace: ?login)[](set: $open to time)(event: when time > $open+9500)[(set: $shelf to 1st of (find: _slot where _slot's value contains $card_number, ...(dataentries: (saved-games: ))))(set: $game_slot to $shelf's name)(load-game: $game_slot)]]]
(link: "Fresh start.")[(replace: "open The Library")[](replace: ?sign)[<img src="open.gif"><script>
</script>(replace: ?login)[](set: $open to time)(event: when time > $open+9500)[(go-to: "In the Beginning")]]]
](else: )[Hi there Patron $card_number. We have no saved games on record for you through this gamepod browser. If you feel this is in error or maybe forgot your library card number, please contact your friendly OJPL librarian or library management at management at ojpl dot info]]</div></mark>]<login|(save-game: $bookshelf, $library_card)(replace: ?sidebar)[]<h1>The Library Staff</h1><h2>Game Design</h2>mom-mom
Sadie Rosen<h2>Music</h2>The Librarians
Devi McCallion and Katie Dey (music used without permission in Nothingness passage)<h2>Writing</h2>Sadie Rosen<h2>Animation</h2>Sadie Rosen<h2>Production</h2>OJPL Games and Such
Twine 2.3.2<h2>Game Testing</h2>Sadie Rosen<h2>Moral Support</h2>OJPL Mānoa Branch
(link-goto: "Return to your quest.", (history: )'s last)
The Library
an interactive fiction game thing from OJPL Games and Such

open The Library
Log In