<script>A.t['section1'].loop(true);A.t['section1'].play();A.t['section1'].fade(0.0, 1.0, 250);</script>Once upon a [[time->A Brief History of Time]].<h1>A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME</h1>Once there was, and once there (if: $nothingness is 1)[wasn't.](else: )[[[wasn't->Nothingness]].]
Then began the slime which established the earth, the source of deepest darkness.
It was a dark and stormy night.
It was the best of times.
In the [[beginning->In the Beginning]].
In a galaxy far, far away.
[Time flies like an arrow.]<bananas|(click: "flies")[(replace: ?bananas)[Fruit flies like a banana.]]
It was the worst of times.(text-style: "smear")[(if: $nothingness is 1)[](else:)[ [You are no longer playing this game.]<game|(live:.5s)[(set: $helloTimer to $helloTimer + 1)(if: $helloTimer is 10 or $helloTimer > 10)[(replace: ?game)[It is entirely possible that you do not, in fact, even exist.]](if: $helloTimer is 20 or $helloTimer > 20)[(replace: ?game)[It is entirely possible that nothing, in fact, even exists.]](if: $helloTimer is 30 or $helloTimer > 30)[(stop:)(replace: ?game)[But how could [nothing]<nothing| [[exist->A Brief History of Time]]?](set: $nothingness to 1)]]
(click: ?nothing)[(replace: ?game)[]]]]<script>
A.create('section1', ['control.mp3', 'control.ogg']);
A.create('section2', ['section2rev.mp3', 'section2rev.ogg']);
A.create('section3', ['section3rev.mp3', 'section3rev.ogg']);
(set: $muted to "false"){
(print: "<script>$('tw-story').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[(print: "<script>$('tw-story').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")]
(print: "<script>$('tw-passage').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[(print: "<script>$('tw-passage').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")]
}Double-click this passage to edit it.