Announcing (not quite) NEW OJPL Publishing Division!
These books might be available at your local OJPL branch!
These books might be available at your local OJPL branch!
Our most popular series of science^experimental fiction!
A New Nation
A story about a house guest—a visitor from another world that enters your home in a, let's hope, respectful manner. A story of science and a story of fiction. +moreA story about the building of a nation that maybe everyone might actually want to live in, perhaps?—for reasons other than we've got no place else to go (or, it could always be worse). A story about plans coming together, because, why not? -less
You're Always So Late
It is unclear as to what this book is about. Turtles, perhaps? Well, inasmuch as its characters are attempting to connect with the foundations of their reality, maybe. Maybe. Oh well, enjoy.
The Petition
In this 3rd installment of our popular series, our intrepid protagonists come together to voice their demands to the powers that be having the ability to give redress to said demands. +moreHere, through this book of words of various spellings, we begin perhaps to see the embodiment of that world alluded to at the start of our particular journey through space and time. -less
What people are saying about A New Nation:
"I started reading the book and I am about two or three chapters in, and I am still trying to decide if it is simply unreadable or absolutely brilliant." -The Author's Sister
"I feel like my brain has been stretched and bent, backwards and forwards in time and space. definitely knocked a few things loose that needed to be!" -Person That Read The Book (and is not the author)
And check out our mystery romance thriller: FOR SALE

For details, write the office of The Person In Charge of Responding To Messages, OJPL Publishing, ojplpublishing [at] ojpl [dot] info
Check out our latest imprint: Ke Kahawai Nui Hou