OJPL Music is the music production arm of the Orange Juice Public Library. Here is a showcase of some of our musical albums by our in-house band, The Librarians. Click on album covers for more detailed info.
- song for annie [03:20]
- The flux capacitor is a MONKEY dreaming of Nothing [04:31]
- Inactivism 101 [02:59]
- beetles [02:10]
- It's raining (again) [03:09]
- Don't Splash Me, Automobile! [02:14]
- Dock of the Bay [02:43]
- Romantic Interlude [02:32]
- It's like that guy who jumped off a ten story building... [03:21]
- Seesaws, slides, and swings [02:46]
- Oh Boy [02:38]
- For the birds [03:24]
- This world sucks the life out of you. [04:05]
- have you seen my keys I just had them a minute ago [02:46]
- Bagful of Nickels [05:35]
- Again again again [04:25]
- The Dog That Lived in the Deep Blue Sea [01:32]
- Palestine [02:50]
- Book Review [05:17]
- Dahdodahdo [01:01]
- Ill Fares the Land [02:36]
- Perpetuating the Dysfunction... [03:24]
- For the Longest Time [04:06]
- It was a sign. [05:30]
- Do What You Can. [03:36]
- Fact or Fiction [03:40]
- A cold night in the rainy season. [03:29]
- Health Insurance and a Bucket of Popcorn [03:30]
- That song I played that one time. [03:02]
- Mapping Coincidence [04:16]
- Song for Annie Redux [03:22]
- An Original Message [02:58]
- tiny envelopes [02:36]
- Vietnam [05:44]
- Smile in my Heart [03:19]
- Archival Jam [03:48]
- You're a cat. [02:42]
- Frank the Donkey [04:11]
- Fever Song [02:41]
- Note to Self [06:44]
- Mr. Rogers goes to Star****s [06:14]
- I can't stop. [02:23]
- As far as the moon. [05:33]
- parking SPACE [04:01]
- Sister [05:15]
- Cut that bit at the end. It's about horses, see. [04:25]
- No Justice, No Peace [05:32]

A New Nation
The Librarians
disc 1
- Novel Writing Month [13:48]
- Climax [07:30]
- For Dreaming the Impossible Corner of the Sky [09:01]
- Overture To A New Nation [07:22]
- An Afternoon in Interlude [08:16]
- Fireworks for me [08:17]
- The Things That I Did (Today) [19:58]
- The Sea Monster [06:06]
- Holiday Party [11:00]
- Leroy Brown [13:28]
- Nothing to Show For It [15:56]
- Dumplings [06:12]

A Parable
The Librarians
- Farewell to Bubby [11:16]
- End of the Hiatus [08:25]
- And This Too Can Be Done [05:29]
- Chutes and Letters [05:22]
- Quantitative Easement [06:00]
- Conflict [03:46]
- A Mental Institution [03:54]
- Stone Soup [04:26]
- And Let Us Move On The Grave [04:40]

Like a book you never want to finish. [The Live Album (for the children)]
The Librarians
- Feedback Mechanism
- Actions Speak Louder Than Words
- Applesauce
- You are Not the Boss of Me
- People Before Prophets
- The Alphabet Song
- The Observable Structures on the Dark Side of the Mood
- Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Working for a Living
- Blind Spot
- Like a book you never want to finish.
- The Obsolete Human
- Fight the Baddies [5:55]
- Atta Girls and Boys
- Tweet Tweet Tweet [5:05]
- I suppose. [6:37]
- The Elephant Jungle Salve (New Thesis) [9:21]
- The Birds + The Bees [4:49]
- Je suis une dame très occupé [5:12]
- Situational Comedy [4:22]
- String Hypothesis [5:48]
- Speech!
- Infinite Jest [04:27]
- There is nothing wrong with masturbation. [02:26]
- Feed Your Dead [02:32]
- Horrible People [03:40]
- This Here Machine Is A Dancing Machine [04:18]
- Notice [02:08]
- What's New, Jake? [05:22]
- Expense Report [03:47]
- Shopping List [02:47]
- Yawn [03:27]
- Brrrrng [03:22]
- Box on Fire [02:38]
- Barcode [05:22]
- ʻO Lola Koʻu Inoa [04:58]
- When Operating Heavy Machinery [08:17]
- Buffering [03:16]
- Still, We Die [03:29]
- And There Is Nothing We Can Do About It [03:06]
- Yet, Still, Perhaps [05:35]
- Palinode [02:57]
- Old Man of the Sea [04:16]
- Disparate Things [02:33]
- Everything Is Going To Be Alright This Mourning [01:26]
- Aloha No Maunawili [03:29]
- I Guess I'll Eat Some Worms [00:51]
- He Leo Mai Kekahi i Kekahi [03:25]
- Holoholo i ka Pā Pōhaku i Kahakai Kailua [02:39]
- Heart For Sale [02:18]
- I Don't Speak (ʻAʻole Maikaʻi Loa Kaʻu ʻŌlelo Kanaka) [03:23]
- This Here Machine is a Perpetual Motion Back Scratching Machine [03:25]
- Worms [00:02]
- Gefilte Fish [05:14]
- If not now, when? [06:43]
- Duck Soup [09:36]
- A Break in the Narrative [05:46]
- Be Careful What You Wish For [05:07]
- When-it-all-changed (again) [02:24]
- Breaking Up Is Hard To Do [02:51]
- F is for Fish [02:28]
- Flies! [02:18]
- Thinking 'bout you [02:37]
- Nobody's Home (But Me) [04:37]
- To Be [04:36]
- End of an Era [05:56]
- Language [03:45]
- Oh oh oh oh [05:18]
- Fish Suit (Stuffed Fish) [4:40]
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