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Reading Room
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from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: May 31, 2019, 9:48 PM
Greetings OJPL Patrons, Librarians, News Junkies, etc., and so on, and what-have-you,
How are things? Welcome to the latest edition of the OJPL Newsletter, the official newsletter of the Orange Juice Public Library, the only public library system that also happens to be your favorite public library system probably. Anyway, so much news maybe? That has happened? But like, our news dissemination technology was temporarily non-functional, so now most of that news is old news? And also, no news is good news?
*WARNING: some OJPL Newsletters might be NSFW*
The OJPL Department of All Things Hosting has decided that the OJPL will just about most definitely be ending its formerly fruitful 4-year relationship with web hosting service A Small Orange as of June 28 of this year. This is due in large part to the 72% increase in price and lack of fulfilling engagement from A Small Orange staff (receipts provided upon request). However, the decision has been cemented by the realization that A Small Orange is in fact a subsidiary of EIG, a hyper-capitalist hosting company with a history of acquiring smaller companies and destroying everything that was good about them. Apparently, massive customer support layoffs and outsourcing occurred in 2017, which totally makes sense to the OJPL Department of All Things Hosting, now that they think about it. Pretty much the only thing A Small Orange has going for it at this point is the fact that it might be the only external hosting service that actually has "orange" in its name. Oh, and inertia. OJPL Departments are, of course, notorious for their laziness, and thinking about change clearly hurts their collective heads.That said, the OJPL Department of All Things Hosting is exploring other options for hosting the OJPL website and electronic mail server. Indeed, the domain has already been migrated to our in-house servers, and is, maybe, functional?* Still, though, the department is thinking about other external hosting options for, since maybe it is good not to put all of our oranges in one basket, as they say. Some possibilities being considered: DreamHost Shared Starter package (seems fine; $48 per year or $93.24 for 3 years which seems like a good deal but what are the odds that the Internet will still exist three years from now?; does not include email services), Linode Nanode Package (would have to install everything ourselves?, which is probably fine since that is what we do in-house anyway but does mean more work for lazy OJPL staff; $60/year for probably more storage/bandwidth/etc. than we need; Philly-based), Lithium Hosting Cloud Starter package ($30/year; includes email?; info on website seems fine, but not a lot of detail about who they are or what is actually offered in their plans).
Anyway, we have a little less than a month to decide on whether we find it worthwhile to put effort and precious, precious monies into the continuation of an accessible website and the ability to send you emails from management at or whatever. I mean, would you spend money on such imaginary nonsense as the OJPL, even keeping in mind the probability that all of your hoarded monies will lose their value once capitalism ends (probably within the next three years)? Anyway, let us know if you have anything to add to the discussion in terms of hosting service options that take environmental impact, labor relations, gender parity, user demand, etc. into consideration.
In other hosting news, the OJPL Department of All Things Hosting has decided that the OJPL Mānoa Branch will be hosting a party on the evening of July 6, because we have been informed that announcing events the same day that they are actually occurring might not be conducive to having people actually show up to said events. We'll await reports on the efficacy of one-month-in-advance party announcements that show up four paragraphs deep into a boring discussion of server politics that very few of you are actually reading. Nevertheless, I guess you are all officially invited to this party that is very definitely going to occur from 5pm-?? on Saturday, July 6, 2019, even though this is a time period so far into the future and how can we possibly know this for a fact?! Probably magic, that's how.**
*While most hosting companies like to tout their near 24-7 uptimes, we at the OJPL probably do not believe in promoting such unfair labor practices, and are known to let our servers take breaks, go on vacation, or have a sleep every now and then. This, of course, will sometimes mean that the website is inaccessible and that mail will be temporarily undeliverable or that you'll have to pour your own drinks or answer your own reference questions. Which, probably is fine.
**Yes, indeed, it turns out, the OJPL, in addition to being quasi-imaginary, is probably magic.
In lieu of the dissolution of the previously reported on Wednesday evening It's Lit Listening Club (which dissolved when the It's Lit show graduated and vacated its regular Wednesday night slot on KTUH), your newsletter committee is pleased to announce reports of a brand new listening club which has apparently been meeting Wednesday evenings at the OJPL Mānoa Branch. It is possible that some of you are definitely encouraged to stop by uninvited on Wednesday evenings to join the newly formed NYMPHOWARS Listening Club and remind the OJPL Mānoa Branch librarian that it is once again time to listen to the latest episode of her favorite 100% professional podcast about -REDACTED-.OJPL GAMES AND SUCH
Májiàng this Sunday, June 2. Regular time, regular place. Might or might not include the presence of scones. Contact games at with questions.OJPL FILMS
The OJPL Films department has totally been overheard talking about making more movies in the future. Also, they finally have the beginnings of a webpage in the new-look OJPL website, whose location is currently in flux, but maybe perpetually accessible through or, regular movie screenings have once again been occurring at the Mānoa Branch! These are generally very poorly attended, however, for legal purposes we should clarify that the OJPL Mānoa Branch also happens to be someone's residence and also that everyone that attends these events always totally consists of a small group of family and friends of aforementioned resident and that the OJPL is an imaginary public library system, so these screenings could hardly be considered public performances in the legal sense probably I'm not a lawyer I don't really care about your laws anyway whatever. Recent months' screenings have included such titles as Grandmother's Gold, Snowpiercer, GTFO: The Movie, Cowboy Bebop: The Complete Series, and Next.
There still have not been any winners in our previously announced very official and serious and real OJPL Raffle in which various prizes totally exist to be won. Contact Raffle Coordinator Sadie Rosen with inquiries.Branch librarians, please remember to send the newsletter committee any Branch updates that you would like to share, in terms of new acquisitions, personnel changes, change in policy, or general news. We're not really sure anymore what branches actually even exist and who exactly is an OJPL librarian. We vaguely remember hearing that a branch sprung up fully formed inside one of our patron's heads not too long ago, but we do not remember ever being informed of this branch's hours or collection management guidelines.
Okay, we're tired of writing. It feels like there was something important we wanted to tell you that we're forgetting though. Oh well.
Hugs and kisses,
The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee
OJPL Newsletters are brought to you by: OJPL News Bringing you imaginary news since [non-specific date] |
to opt out of future updates, respond to this e-mail with the subject message UNSUBSCRIBE and the frowny face emoticon of your choice
OJPL Newsletter: Time Keeps on Ticking Ticking Ticking Until It Probably Explodes or Something
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Apr 7, 2019, 10:23 AM
(April 7. Waikīkī) HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Also, happy new year! We are pleased to report that the OJPL Mānoa Branch participated in yet another new year celebration last night (so many, yeah?), this one of course being Cheti Chand, which obviously the Mānoa Branch will be celebrating for the next eight or forty or two days.(This afternoon @ 4pm. Mānoa Branch) MÁJIÀNG IS BEING PLAYED!
Speaking of games and celebrations (which we were), you are all invited to Májiàng this afternoon/evening from 4-?. Come early and help prepare various food delicacies. Maybe there will be a games committee meeting and possibly a short musical interlude hosted by OJPL Music's music facilitation department. Full story to come (or not) in the future (which probably exists).(April 8,9. Mānoa Branch) OJPL FILMS UPDATE
Assuming Movie Mondays is still a thing, the Mānoa Branch will be screening the movie 10. On Tuesday evening we will likely be viewing Assassination Nation.---END NEWS BREAK---
P.S. Attention old school branch librarians: The University Branch will be on Oʻahu next month so maybe we should have high tea at some point probably?
missed out on previous OJPL Newsletters? check out the archive!
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Mar 20, 2019, 10:08 PM
Part I
Sadie Rose Rosen sat in what was either her home or the library or the library that was also her home andPart E
For the next part of our newsletter, we will discuss library politics. The OJPL Committee of Um, Resource Allocation or Something will be having their bi-monthly meeting whenever you feel like attending to give your opinions on resource allocation in regards to your favorite imaginary library system.SOUNDTRACK: You're a cat. by The Librarians from pock-mark—zymurgy & SUPPLEMENTS.
End newsletter?
The Newsletter Writing Committee
OJPL Newsletter: Mixtape Edition (Year of the Bore, side A)
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Mar 19, 2019, 3:02 AM
Well, we've titled better before, clearly. That said, here is another letter of news for various humans probably.
Greetings Various Probable Humans,
SOUNDTRACK: We are listening to A Material Thought by the Metadatas; Like a white bat in a box, dead matters go on by Melt Banana; World of Vibrations by Blackalicious; Please Hold On by The Librarians; 3:02 by Clutchy Hopkins from Gritty Committee Issue 3: RNA 12A-6A; Real Bad News by Aimee Mann; Mind Terrorist by Public Enemy; For the Longest Time by The Librarians; Into The Sky by Devi McCallion and Katie Dey; Golden Ocean by 50 Foot Wave. Di Di Di by hang on the box. He Leo Mai Kekahi i Kehaki by The Librarians from Still, We Die. curated by Rhythm Box 3.4.2.
Book Reviews
The cataloging department is still reviewing Gritty fuckin committee oh three (for cataloging purposes), but has such a fuckin backlog that it is hard for them to concentrate. Any catalog(u)ers or cataloger apprentices out there that want to join the OJPL Department of Naming and Describing Things To People That Are Not Themselves, please, please create such a department and do your best and/or worst. "I'm sitting here and I'm waiting, for you to contact me," said one of the OJPL Librarians who also thinks that it is important that we communicate.OJPL Publishing
The OJPL Publishing sales department has not sold a book in the most discouraging amount of moons. Do they need a new official huckster or something?"Please, please, join our most fabulous staff and make all the profits," said Ged, who was not a character in the current official OJPL Novel being hatched from the bowels of the Orange Juice Public Library, whose newsletter you are currently reading.
"You paint a lovely picture, but reality intrudes," said Aimee. "And that's real bad news."
"Yes," agreed Ged. "That's real bad news." (Ged lived inside a science experiment-
al fiction novel)
OJPL Films
Las Películas Pōʻalua event resumes this Tuesday, although "resumes" is not perhaps the most useful word here. What movie will we watch at, um, 7 hours into the pm? Let us know at films @ (that's an electronic mail address; someone please explain what e-mail is to the children).OJPL Raffle
Submit your heart and soul for a chance to win a shopping trip to the mall and/or a dinner at the cheesy restaurant of your choice that happens to also correspond to the name on the gift card that was donated to the OJPL Raffle Committee by its uncle. Or you could just mildly express interest. Either one is fine, I guess. Serious rafflers only.Things were going so well. We were so in love with each other. But it turns out I was another sort of fish. TUNE IN NEXT
Is that it? Are we done? Did everyone get all the news that was fit to, um, yawn. Sorry. What were we talking about? It is hard for me to hear you over all this music.
The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee
The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee is currently made up of one person who maybe is a Bachelorette of Communication and a Mistress of Librarianship (and Information). Do you know the personal contact information of anyone that is good at creating newsletters and maybe needs some supplementary income to help them cover the cost of their belated honeymoon? If so, please tell them they are being recruited for committee work. There's lots of committees, we suppose. We suppose very much indeed.
OJPL Newsletter: This World Could Be So Much Bigger Than It's Ever Seemed
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 8:44 PM
Dear People Who Signed Up For The OJPL Newsletter and Haven't Yet Requested That We Stop E-mailing Them Newsletters,
My goodness gracious, things sometimes, eh? Been a while since the last newsletter, yeah? Well, time is relative, they say. Other things they say:
- "How you doing?"
- "At the sunrise. Haleaklā sunrise."
- "More coffee?"
- [something in Japanese]
- "Limited parking."
- [some other nonsense]
The Mānoa Branch
Gods, you fuckers are missing out. The Librarians lead peeuhnist sang a few songs tonight during the end of their first set, and OJPL Music staff tried out the new OJPL Karaoke setup. I think maybe definitely OJPL Karaoke is now available (we only have one automated song, but we take requests).WELL, DEAR READER
Well, dear reader, it would seem as if we are never going to get out of here- "Don't count your chickens if you don't have any chickens."
The Newsletter Writing Committee
P.S. Links: [close]
OJPL Newsletter: Happy News Year!
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 6:38 AM
Greetings Friends + Lovers, Library Associates, Other,
Welcome to the latest edition of the OJPL Newsletter, which, surprisingly, is still apparently a thing. Now, as you know, we here on the newsletter writing committee like to jest about the confusion caused by receiving a newsletter from an imaginary public library system, especially one that you did not even know existed, but we do empathize with those of you dealing with unsolicited shit that you simply did not sign up for. Anyway, if you would like to officially subscribe or unsubscribe from the OJPL Newsletter mailing list and receive and/or not receive the sure-to-be copious amounts of newsletter that maybe exist in the future, instructions can be found somewhere probably.
Our faithful readers may have noticed a bit of a time gap since our last newsletter. Apparently, we were on strike maybe? Due to our benefits getting cut? We are happy to report that as of a few weeks ago, our health benefits have been restored. Yay! However, we are disappointed to report that our demands for multiversal health care have still not been met by the powers that be. Come on now, powers that be, this is unacceptable behavior!BRANCH UPDATES
The OJPL Mānoa Branch has decided to pay its various landlords and utility companies for another month, so please come by to make use of its space and services and visit its lonely and underutilized library staff! Speaking of staff, there is currently at least one open position waiting to be filled. Contact Mānoa Branch librarian Sadie Rosen via with inquiries. No previous library experience necessary.OJPL branch librarians, don't forget to send us your updates!
Congratulations to all of you who have recently graduated from that which they used to be into what they are now. I am so proud of you. You are going to be great! And speaking of graduations, one of our OJPL News reporters recently covered a graduation ceremony that took place at a prominent Hawaiʻi research university. Featuring person-on-the-street interviews, fact-checking phone calls to HSPLS branch libraries, and unnamed sources, this fine piece of investigative totally real journalism (and more!) can be read over at the new-look OJPL News webpage.LIBRARIES AFTER OUR OWN HEART
Your newsletter writing committee has been informed of a new Honolulu-based library/archive featuring zines and poetry and art books, oh my! Brought to you by the folks behind our favorite tiny zine library (mentioned in previous newsletters), this is sure to be an exciting development in the world of experimental library systems.
The OJPL Mānoa Branch has acquired a digital copy of its officially new favorite music album: Some New Form of Life, a collaboration between Devi McCallion and Katie Dey. OJPL Librarian Sadie Rosen says, "I am consistently inspired by the younger generations and amazed by the beautiful, heart-exploding arts that they produce." Stop by during branch hours to have a listen, or acquire a copy for yourself and/or your respective library branch.The OJPL Acquisitions Department finally broke out of their book purchasing funk and acquired a copy of the critically acclaimed From Hunger to Prayer by D. Kealiʻi MacKenzie. Your newsletter writing committee is consistently in awe of the beautiful people that continue to make poetry in this world, a bunch of whom performed at the very moving November book launch in Mānoa. In addition to being an accomplished poet, MacKenzie also happens to be an actual Master of Libraries (and an OJPL patron to boot!). Branch librarians, please contact the cataloging department to update your holdings records.
The various OJPL divisions released a bunch of content since the last newsletter, but since we are already running a bit long here, we'll just mention a few. OJPL Games and Such released a new interactive poetry game thing some months back from Dawn Sueoka: Afraid of Money. And more recently, some physically manifest fiction has once again begun to emerge from OJPL Publishing maybe? Oh, and also just that you might generally notice that our world is still currently undergoing construction, so beware of new things.AS ALWAYS
Contact with any book-related proposals, unless you are trying to sell us an already published book, in which case you can contact, or maybe if you simply want to borrow a book from one of our library branches, contact And don't forget to send your news tips to! These are all probably completely functional email addresses that someone might check on a sporadic-type basis maybe.THAT'S ALL FOR NOW!!
Okay, dear readers, that's all for now. Take of each other.Always with love,
The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee
OJPL Newsletters are brought to you by: OJPL News Bringing you imaginary news since [non-specific date] |
to opt out of future updates, respond to this e-mail with the subject message UNSUBSCRIBE and the frowny face emoticon of your choice
OJPL Newsletter: Lazing on a Partially Sunny Afternoon (July Edition)
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 3:31 PM
Greetings Folks who read Newsletters Sometimes,
Welcome to the latest installment of the OJPL Newsletter, the newsletter brought to you by the Orange Juice Public Library. Now, there appears to be some confusion as to what the Orange Juice Public Library is and what it does and what is its purpose. Fair enough. It is okay to be confused about the nature of reality.
The News
The world is not what it used to be. Various things have happened. Various things of import. But it does not matter. There is no escape from the future.Things of Note
Poetry? Trees?OJPL Publishing Casting Call!!!
OJPL Publishing is holding its first official Casting Call for characters for the latest official OJPL Novel, part of which will once again be presented as a special edition at the upcoming Honolulu Printmakers annual Print & Book Fair (Nov. 2-3), assuming that OJPL Publishing pays the vendor fee and registers as an official vendor, which maybe might happen but who can say for sure.Do you want to be a fictionalized character in a novel? Let us know! We will also accept storylines, plot points, stories within a story (a.k.a. short stories), poems, recipes, DIY instructions, academic essays, political manifestos, drawings, photographs, prints, pop-up book inserts, movies, music, etc., and so on (and so forth!).
(Might as well also consider this a general call for submissions for standalone works that you would like to see published by OJPL Publishing and affiliates, possibly for this year's Print and Book Fair. Last year saw featured works from four different OJPL-related humans, all of whom maybe were pleased with their participation. Tell your friends and family!)
Contact Sadie Rosen at with inquiries.
Anywhere You, The OJPL University of College
The first official class of the new OJPL U has begun, so welcome to the new semester or whatever. FILM 692 Special Topics in Librarianship: Comparative Film Theory has met the minimum requirement of 2 students and will be utilizing our new exploratory professorless classroom methodology. A number of assignments have already been given and various discussion questions are being created even as we speak.Anywhere You is also offering COMM 102 Intro to Human to Computer to Computer to Human Communication: Relating Information to Your Various Publics, featuring such topics as "web design" and "coding" and "semantics." Classes begin whenever you can track down the class's instructor.
Branch Movement
The OJPL Boston Branch, which was temporarily located in Waikīkī, is moving to San Diego. Bon Voyage Boston Branch! The Branch's very professional head librarian will continue to maintain their duties as The OJPL Director of Virtual Reference (related, but not equivalent to the OJPL Imaginary Reference Services), and promised to one day maybe think about updating the official OJPL Restaurant guide.Tuesday Movie Event
The OJPL Kahuaʻaihalulu Branch (the first official OJPL branch located in Waiawa, Oʻahu?) has announced that they held a Movie Night at 8:30pm on Tuesday, July 17th, where they screened Be Kind Rewind. All reports indicate that it was enjoyed by all who attended.Okay. That be your news. Good day, madam/other.
Sincerely yours,
The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee
OJPL Newsletters are brought to you by: OJPL News Bringing you imaginary news since [non-specific date] |
to opt out of future updates, respond to this e-mail with the subject message UNSUBSCRIBE and the frowny face emoticon of your choice
OJPL Newsletter: The So Much News, So Little News Edition
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 4:24 PM
Greetings OJPL patrons, librarians, acquaintances, colleagues, people who have no idea what the OJPL is, friends, etc.,
Welcome to the latest manifestation of the OJPL Newsletter, brought to you by OJPL News, bringing you all the new things, all the time.
[This OJPL Newsletter is co-sponsored by OJPL Films: We Make Movies! Don't miss their newest short cinematic masterpiece, Sadie Sends a Text Message, available for a limited time maybe perhaps.]
So much has happened in the past, but we can't really be bothered to report it, since maybe we have just decided to go on strike or something. Management, am I right? When will they give us what we are due? Um...
What were we talking about? Oh yeah, the more things change, the more they stay as they were before they became that which they are not. Um...
Okay, okay. We'll report some news then.
Earlier this month, OJPL Games and Such hosted the first májiàng game at the Mānoa Branch. The Games Committee maybe knows how to play now and thinks it could be fun to play more games in the future. Possibly everyone on the committee will remember how to play and will be able to teach other people, too, or whatever. Still clarifying the points system and flowers and seasons and maybe a few other things, but um. Our OJPL News Games Reporter will maybe have a fuller report on the gaming event maybe perhaps maybe. OJPL News Photographer Kaila took many very good pictures and deserves credit. We all deserve a little credit, but please let us know if you do not want to be credited. Or whatever.ALL THE WORLD'S A PLAY!
OJPL Games and Such, Division of Play-Related Activities is pleased to announce an upcoming Playbill exhibit, featuring playbills from New York, New York (it's a hell of a town, the Bronx is up and the Battery is down). Also, OJPL Community Theatre will be holding auditions for its upcoming play, which will probably be written by robots, cyborgs, and various human and non-human computers. Contact for details.GAME RECOMMENDATIONS
Sources reveal that there exists in the world a game that our sources recommend. Our sources are very competent and trustworthy probably. They tell us that this game is called Redshift and Portalmetal.A successful REFERENCE INTERACTION takes place across time and space!
Wanting to post some words to a bulletin board, but not knowing how for speak language, a member of the Kōmike Kumulāʻau o Ka Māla Kaiāulu o Mānoa approached the OJPL Mānoa Branch reference department with a very specific query about trees. Using specialized collaborative technology tools, the reference librarian was able to communicate with the Maunawili Branch librarian, whose specific skillset and dedication to information service led to a very satisfied patron. Special thanks to Keʻalohi for her very helpful recommendations.MOVIE MONDAYS (and other cinematic events)
Movie Mondays, a.k.a. Pōʻakahi Películas, is still totally a thing. Recent screenings include the first season of the critically acclaimed television sitcom Four in a Blanket, and Alma and Dave Get Married (Again), a documentary about Alma and Dave Rosen, who get married (again). Various other film events have also taken place.CIRCULATION STATISTICS
OJPL Mānoa Branch is happy to report that books have been circulating, such as the library copy of the Special Print and Book Fair edition of the upcoming novel from Ke Kahawai Nui Hou (an imprint of OJPL Publishing), On the Nature of Things That Flow. OJPL Branch Managers, please don't forget to submit your monthly circ stats to the OJPL Person That Probably Is Not Going To Compile Any Statistics Because Who Really Cares Anyway, Am I Right?NEW ACQUISITIONS
Newly acquired things, both temporary and permanent, totally exist in various library branches. Please contact individual branches for more info.[This OJPL Newsletter is co-sponsored by OJPL Films: We Make Movies! Check out their latest offering, in collaboration with OJPL News, OJPL Publishing, OJPL Music, and OJPL Games and Such, OJPL Newsletter: THE FILM.]
Okay, that should do it for this edition of the OJPL Newsletter. Best of luck to you! A hui hou!
With Love, The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee
to opt out of future updates, respond to this e-mail with the subject message UNSUBSCRIBE and the frowny face emoticon of your choice
OJPL Newsletter: Ikiiki, Lāʻaukūkahi, Year of the Dog (June)
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 11:56 PM
Greetings OJPL Librarians, Patrons, Colleagues, Friends, General Acquaintances, others,
Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking, and what's this? Have we reached the future already where it is time for yet another OJPL Newsletter? Well, let's not dilly dally. Here be your relevant news:
Nā Kiʻi ʻOniʻoni!
(May 28, 2018, Mānoa) OJPL Mānoa Branch, in conjunction with OJPL Films, held a special screening of Bladeroller (with freshly popped popcorn!) last Monday in what they have now decided is going to be a regular event called either Movie Mondays or Pōʻakahi Películas, depending on your particular language preferences. OJPL Movie Critic Sadie Rosen says, "Bladeroller easily ranks a 23 on my comparing movies in terms of how many times better they are than either of the Blade Runner movies scale." Contact the Mānoa Branch for info about future movie screenings, which are as yet unknown.Branch News
(May 26, 2018, Maunawili) For all of you Koʻolaupoko patrons, you will be happy to hear that our newsletter writing committee has received word from the OJPL Maunawili Branch that, starting in August, their librarian will be refocusing their efforts and is hoping to increase those all important circulation statistics. We wish them all the best in their future library and non-library endeavors, which we are sure will be fruitful, re-freshing and fulfilling.(May 2014-2018, Puʻuloa) Is there an OJPL Waiawa Branch? We think so. But why isn't this reflected on the OJPL website? Does it have something to do with the OJPL Department of Bureaucracy having once again lost the Waiawa Branch's official branch application? Perhaps. Only time will tell. Contact the OJPL Waiawa Branch librarian with any specific queries.
Recommended Art for Enjoying
(June 2-30, Kakaʻako) In case you missed last month's highly acclaimed Aupuni Space art exhibit (mentioned in a previous newsletter), the Kakaʻako-based gallery will be presenting the debut solo exhibition of one of last month's featured artists, Kainoa Gruspe. OJPL Appreciator of Artistic Things Sadie Rosen says, "Don't miss GOOD PAINTINGS: COMPETENT AND SATISFACTORY WORKS BY KAINOA GRUSPE. It is probably going to be really really good, I think."And, speaking of paintings ...
OJPL Games and Such / New Acquisitions / Etc.
(June 1, Mānoa) OJPL Games and Such has recently acquired a new strategic and poetic card game (Kanagawa) in which "you must paint the most beautiful Print." One of two recent games acquisitions (already cataloged!), Kanagawa and Jack's Friends are available for play at the Mānoa Branch, or for lending to other OJPL branches, patrons, etc.
Also, OJPL Games and Such is super excited to talk about ...
(June 3, Mānoa) The first OJPL Májiàng Game will be taking place this Sunday, June 3rd, at 3:00pm at the OJPL Mānoa Branch, which is located near the 5 and 6 The Bus Routes at the bottom of Ānuenue Street. All are welcome for this inaugural gaming event which will turn into a quasi-regular game on a recurring day and time to be determined. Contact for more information.Other News
(May 31, Mānoa) There have been recent reports that OJPL Publishing (in conjunction with OJPL Music) is exploring a new Hoʻolele Leo division to feature their totally new audio books that might or might not already exist in the OJPL Catalog [see here]. I am sure you will find what you are looking for, eventually, if you want, maybe.Oh boy, that newsletter was way too long, right? Well, too late to turn back now. Until next time.
With Love,
The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee
to opt out of future updates, respond to this e-mail with the subject message UNSUBSCRIBE and the frowny face emoticon of your choice
OJPL Newsletter: Special Vinegar Edition!
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Fri, May 25, 2018 at 8:47 AM
Greetings various OJPL vinegar aficionados, others,
This is the special vinegar-related edition of the OJPL Newsletter, here to tell you about Raw Material, an Artist Curated Projects art exhibition that one of our OJPL Librarians stumbled across at the Aupuni Space Gallery/Studios on one of her rambling adventures through the city. Located at 729 Auahi Street (Kakaʻako?), this exhibit only runs until this Saturday (the 27th of May?), and is quite worth seeing, what with its awesome works of art and friendly curators. Of special interest to you vinegar lovers is Rebecca Maria Goldschmidt's Nabanglo a lamisaan / Aromatic table. Goldschmidt
has been producing sukang ilocos vinegar in an exploration of her Filipinx heritage and collective cultural memory. She will activate her installation with vinegar tastings throughout the exhibition.Exhibit hours include today (Friday) and Saturday from 11am to 4pm and by appointment.

In other fermentation news, the OJPL Mānoa Branch has a new batch of kvass ready for tasting. Made with the mysterious bitter greens that grow in the Mānoa Community Gardens, this latest batch of kvass has a beautiful reddish hue! Kvass tasting available during irregular library hours and by appointment.

Acquisitions and Such
So much exciting news in the field of acquiring things. In addition to the latest record album by The HIRS Collective (still in cataloging, available at two OJPL branches), the Mānoa branch has added numerous (2?) zines to their excellent Zines and Such exhibit, including Unmanly and Hey is This Your Dog? (yet to be cataloged). We are also in talks to acquire Suka Suka Suka, the zine that accompanies the aforementioned vinegar exhibit. Let Politicians Read Poetry has been returned to The Tiny Zine Library, so it is no longer accessible at the Mānoa Branch. However, we totally recommend heading over to the Tiny Zine Library (currently located inside of Mori) and scoping out this month's featured zine by Thad Higa, which we think is maybe called Thirsting or something like that. We still have not acquired an issue of Lady Pasifika (mentioned in the last newsletter), however we did meet the super cool ladies that run it! The acquisitions department is willing to reimburse OJPL Librarians for up to one issue.
Games and Such
We are very excited to announce the start of the semi-regular Mah Jongg game that is totally going to happen probably. Not this weekend, though, because OJPL Games Consultant Dawn Sueoka has not yet picked out her special Mah Jongg outfit. So maybe the first weekend in June (June 3rd?). OJPL Mānoa Branch currently has two Mah Jongg sets and very limited knowledge of how to play. Contact with any inquiries.Apologies to those of you who have already received this newsletter through our new exploratory in-person newsletter delivery system. Anyone who would like to take part in our various experimental news delivery systems, please let us know at
A hui hou,
The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee
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OJPL Newsletter : A Rainy Day in May
from: news@ojpl.infoto:
date: Fri, May 11, 2018 at 5:02 PM
Greetings OJPL Librarians, Patrons, Other, and Friends,
How are you? So many things happening in the OJPL System these days. Have you heard about our new Games and Such division, featuring our awesome new "game" that is being featured? Also, there is other stuff been happening probably, too.

Tonight marked the last official night of our very successful art exhibition, Pololū : A Collaborative Work of Art, temporarily housed at the Mānoa Branch. Branch Hours will probably be extended tonight, if they have not yet been, but librarians are off duty as of now.
The night featured a brief piano recital by The Librarians' lead pianist. It also coincided with the weekly It's Lit Listening Club, which featured a discussion with the folks from Lady Pasifika. The acquisitions department has been notified to keep their eye out for this young magazine.
Are there upcoming events? Perhaps.
And a special thanks to the folks at Cycle Mānoa for fixing up the official OJPL Bicycle Book/Garden/Recycling-Mobile either this night or last.
Hoping you all are well,
The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee
[newsletter may take a number of days to properly arrive, so please adjust your timeframe accordingly]
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OJPL Newsletter : Special Print and Book Fair Edition
from: management@ojpl.infodate: 2017-11-20 21:17
Greetings OJPL Friends, Librarians, Patrons, Acquaintances, and/or Other,
It has been some while since the last official OJPL Newsletter, and we here at the OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee do not really feel up to the task, what with our busy schedules and all. I mean, these committee meetings just never end, am I right? Anyway, the Honolulu Printmakers Print and Book Fair is this weekend at the Honolulu Museum of Art School (formerly Linekona, across from Thomas Square). Friday evening 5-9, and Saturday 10-6. The publishing arm of the OJPL (OJPL Publishing) will have a table, where we will feature so many of our wonderful OJPL books, created by a diverse array of OJPL patrons and librarians. Featuring: Chapbooks! Plot twists! Interactive fiction! Hexaflexagon books! Please stop by to partake of our wares! Tell your friends and enemies! Assuming there are enough chairs, OJPL Librarians are more than welcome to join official OJPL huckster Sadie Rosen behind the desk and assist in her prime directive of the selling of books (this will, of course, count towards your Continuing Professional Development credits). Bring your kids! Studies show that people are more likely to purchase all of the books if children be selling the books. Fun for the whole family! Anyway, we would totally love to see you sometime.
OJPL Newsletter Committee Spokesperson
OJPL Newsletter : It's a New Library for a New World
from: management@ojpl.orgdate: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 2:19 PM
Dear OJPL Friends, Patrons, Staff, Associates, etc.,
Yes, for a while it has been since the last newsletter. Perhaps this is your first OJPL Newsletter. Perhaps you forgot that the Orange Juice Public LIbrary is a thing that exists. Perhaps you no longer know how to read, due to the death of e-mail or whoever else it is that has died. We are truly sorry for your loss. Anywho, much news in the world of librarianship. Mānoa/Maunawili Branch's own, Annie Keola Kaukahi Thomas, is standing alone, persevering in her singleness of purpose towards bettering the world of librarianship, attending the Library Association (of America, no less) Conference in none other than Chicago. Your kind of town, Chicago is, but this means that the Mānoa Branch is temporarily short of staff and is looking for substitute librarians, so that the remaining on-duty librarian can go get a beer or something without worrying about those bothersome patrons (not you). Speaking of which, would anyone like to go "get a beer" or something with Jacob (phone number: 808.988.1075).
New News
There is a new application for a new branch. The application has been filled out and filed in the Branch Application Drawer. We do not remember who is the acting OJPL Director of New Branch Acquisitions. Is that you, Branch Branch? We recommend a meeting of official OJPL Branch Representatives at some time in the near or distant future for to discuss the admission of a new library branch. High Tea will be served.Older News
The two most recent OJPL Branches have shifted location to maybe Waikīkī and Portland. Their names are now confusing, but no more so than the nature of reality.Recent Acquisitions
Here are some recent acquisitions:Books, comic books, records, CDs, DVDs, magazines, other.
This is a secret link to the old (current) catalog maybe:
The List Is Open! Apply Now
The OJPL Staff List is now open for applications. If you know someone that is not a librarian but would like to be a librarian, tell them to apply for a job as a librarian. Stranger things have happened. In other application news, please send in your requisitions to your friendly OJPL Finance Officer for funds to attend the upcoming semiannual J.L.A Conference to be held somewhere in the known universe.Salutations
We hope everyone is doing well.Sincerely,
The OJPL Newsletter Writing Committee