New Interactive Poetry Game Thing!
- AFRAID OF MONEY assembled by Dawn Sueoka
Afraid of Money is
the latesta procedurally generated poem assembled by Dawn Sueoka with the help of various algorithms and machine beings and such. Is it awesome? Probably.
More Interactive Fiction Game Things!
- REALLY, IF / REALLY, ALWAYS by Dawn Sueoka
An experiment in human-mediated computer-computer interaction.
Content warning: This story contains some adult themes. Readers may find it unsettling or menacing, or may experience feelings of claustrophobia, interrogation, or invasion.
When-it-all-changed. Short, simple hastily-made story game thing.
Májiàng ma Mānoa
Ke Kōmike Mea Pāʻani is pleased to announce the OJPL Games and Such Májiàng game will be taking place at the OJPL Mānoa Branch this afternoon at 4:00ish. This is a regularly scheduled weekly game that will always be occurring on the day that you are reading this, assuming that you are reading this on the day that it is occurring. The time might be not the same, though. Thus is the nature of games.
Please contact games [at] ojpl [dot] org for game maps and such.